Hair Loss After WLS & BioTHIK Hair Fibres

Hair loss after bariatric surgery is very common and can be very stressful. Most patients want to achieve great weight loss results and still have thick hair. Often, the fuller the volume of hair we have on our head, the greater confidence we have in ourselves. We know that women, in particular, feel this way and much of our patient’s physical appearance will depend upon how vibrant looking their hair is. However, after weight loss surgery hair often temporarily becomes dull, its volume becomes thinner, and its body, gone.

The hair loss associated with weight loss surgery is called telogen effluvium and has to do with the normal hair growth cycle. Hair loss usually starts fairly abruptly and very seldom lasts longer than 6 months. Human hair has a two-stage growth cycle; the growth phase is called anagen and 90% of our hair follicles are in this phase at any given time. The resting phase is called telogen, which lasts about 1 to 6 months, with an average of 3 months. About 5-15% of our hair is in the resting phase at any given time.

It is also known that telogen effluvium has to do with stress to the body and hormonal changes that can occur after weight loss surgery. Due to the stress more hair follicles can enter into the resting phase and this is important because the hair in the resting phase at the time of surgery is most likely the hair you will shed. This is why your hair sheds between 1 to 6 months after surgery (usually about 3 to 4 months).

When the hair starts to grow again the old hair follicle is released and you lose hair. Sometimes the hair comes out before new hair grows and this is where patients start to notice the loss and often become anxious.

It often starts with surgery, a very low-calorie intake and generally low protein consumption. Then you add any illness along the way, an underactive thyroid, iron deficiency, or genetics and you get hair loss of about 5-15% of your hair follicles. Other nutrients implicated in hair loss include zinc, biotin, folate, vitamin B6 and essential fatty acids, however if you do not have a deficiency in these, then a supplement containing these micronutrients will often be of little use.

The good news is that you can count on the hair growing back unless you have a chronic illness, a genetic reason for the hair thinning, or you suffer from male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is a diffuse shedding of hair as it relates to the normal hair growth cycle. It is common in men and women and all races.

There are however tips for preventing hair loss as well as aesthetic products that can be used to add great volume to ensure natural looking hair every single time.

Tips for preventing hair loss after bariatric surgery:

  • Relax and don’t worry too much. It is natural hair loss of 5-15% of your hair due to the stress of surgery and weight loss. It rarely lasts more than 6 months. IT GROWS BACK!

  • Ensure you follow our guidelines and advice on a protein-rich diet and daily protein supplementation as required

  • Take bariatric specific multivitamins with adequate B vitamins, Folate, Zinc and Biotin. Don’t forget Calcium, B12, Iron and Vit D as well

Introducing Hair Building Fibres - BioTHIK

BioTHIK is an instant, practical and inexpensive way of restoring your hair density fast. It is the ultimate hair loss concealer, making thin hair look thick again in seconds as it instantly eliminates the appearance of thinning and balding hair. Charged with static electricity the fibres cling and blend into your existing hair, so each individual hair strand appears fuller, making your hair look 250% thicker instantly.

The working principle behind the hair building fibre technology lies in the keratin strands and its in-built electrostatic charge. Untreated human hair has a strong negatively charged surface while keratin fibres are positively charged. Science tells us that a positively charged particle will attract a negatively charged particle. Hair building fibres, which are positively charged, will naturally intertwine to your existing, living (negatively charged) hair, immediately upon application. 

These hair building fibres are charged most significantly while it is shaken up, right in the bottle and dispensed thereafter. The keratin fibre is the same keratin protein found in human hair which serves as its primary building block. BioTHIK Hair Building Fibres is a solution to help bring back your self-confidence again, especially if you want to further enhance your day to day look. Both men and women can use this, and get great results.

Take a look at some of our own patient’s before and after images when they have used BioTHIK hair fibres.

BioTHIK is a non-invasive, time-saving product that will give you nothing less than natural-looking hair, every single time. The fibres come in 11 colours, and when the fibres are used in conjunction with the Fibre Locking Mist, BioTHIK becomes both waterproof and windproof.

BioTHIK Hair Building Fibres and Fibre Locking Mist are available through AMS Nutrition. We have samples in the Hamilton clinic if you wish to try them for visual appearance and colour match before purchase.
BioTHIK FAQs available on the BioTHIK website.

Please Note: BioTHIK fibres are a temporary solution for concealing thinning areas, providing the look of a thicker, fuller head of hair. It needs to be re-applied after showering or swimming. It does NOT regrow hair, or provide a permanent solution for hair thinning or hair loss.


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