My Journey...Shells

So in 2006 and 2008 I had two beautiful children. They were the best thing ever at the time and I thought my family was complete. After having Maddison in 2008 I put on a lot of weight and struggled to get moving as she was a C-section and then I broke my foot (5 weeks after having her). In 2009 I was tipping the scales at 118 kilo. I attended a wedding in Rarotonga and I thought I looked fab (boy was I wrong).

In 2010 I was so depressed at buying size 22 and 24 clothing that I decided to start trying to lose weight. This turned out to be a lot harder than I thought, my urge to eat all the “yummy” foods was too great, but I did start exercising and VERY SLOWLY I started to lose some weight – although it felt impossible. In 2010 I investigated having a lap band and went ahead and booked it. I was so excited and didn’t have long to wait. November 2010 I had my surgery and it took a lot of trial and error to work out how it worked but I was losing weight as my portion size was tiny.  I got down to 94 kilos. I then learnt how to cheat and although my main meals were tiny I was snacking with chocolate, chippies and sweets in between.

Fast forward to 2014 and it was my year for turning 40! This was going to be my year. My very supportive husband and I were watching The Biggest Loser on TV and we saw that you could book a retreat so I searched on the net and found out that there was a Biggest Loser Retreat in the Gold Coast. After planning with my husband that I would love this for my 40th, we made a plan that I would do 7 weeks with a personal trainer 3 times a week until I leave for my 2 week retreat. I went hard out, I loved my personal training sessions (I could barely walk), I used My Fitness Pal and tracked all my food and I was losing weight and feeling great. I spent 2 weeks at the retreat and left there at 82 kilo. I was the healthiest I had ever been and I looked great too. The only problem was it wasn’t sustainable. At the retreat everything was cooked and cleaned for me and I had 2 children to come home too. SO very soon afterward the weight started to go on again.

In November 2015 my husband asked me if we could attempt to have one more baby. We did and fell pregnant very quickly (I was weighing around 92 Kilos). I had to have all the fluid removed from my band as I get very bad morning sickness so suddenly I could eat again and I didn’t hold back!

Thomas was born in August 2016 and now my family really was complete. Breast feeding and starving I was eating more and more. By December I had reached 105 kilos and the depression kicked in again. I was still exercising but only walking as I couldn’t run. On the 16th January I contacted Andrea and asked about Bypass surgery, as enough was enough. I didn’t really tell anyone as I didn’t want anyone to talk me out of it. I didn’t take long to decide and booked in for March 17th. There were days when I doubted my decision and thought I could do it without the bypass but then I reminded myself that I was in this situation because I couldn’t do it by myself. As a family we are flying to Los Angeles for a family holiday and I want to fit into the seat and feel fantastic wearing shorts and singlets and keeping up with my kids. Surgery went ahead in March when I weighed in at 106 kilos and the first couple of weeks were tough but the support of others who had recently had the surgery was very helpful (they were my life savers – Thank you ladies you know who you are). Now 12 weeks on I am 84.1 kg so 22.5 kilos down and feeling amazing. I have accepted my new eating ways and enjoy the salads and proteins and haven’t missed the carbs and sugars as much as I thought I would. My clothes have dropped off me and I just came back from a shopping trip in Australia to restock the wardrobe – buying size 14 jeans made me cry and size 10 and 12 tops was the most amazing feeling – I can’t believe how many more options I have. I am back running and feeling fantastic, I have registered for a half Marathon in December this year and life is exciting.

I owe a huge thanks to Weight Loss Surgery Ltd who have supported me every step of the way, Change Fitness, my local walk and run group who are the best bunch of people you will ever meet, my family who support everything I do and I hope these ladies don’t mind but Janet, Linda, Tradene, Tracey. Also, a very special mention to Jo who I see every week at Change Fitness and she gives me a hug and a kiss and loads of positive encouragement that makes me just keep trying harder. Below is a photo of me at a fancy dress party a couple of weeks ago as Wonder Woman, I love it because I feel I can take on the world now, my life has finally begun!!!


From Super Morbidly Obese to a Healthy BMI...Karleen's story


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