Here's what a couple of our repeat attendees have to say about going on more than one retreat.
“Well as I’ve been to 4/5 retreats (loss count exactly how many!) I guess I’m the perfect person to ask why would someone want to do a retreat more then once? Well the main reason I keep going back is because I deserve it!! I’ve invested a lot on money into my surgery and I’m going to make sure that I do everything I can to ensure it keeps working for me. I think of my WLS the same as buying a car – we give our cars regular services to ensure they keep running well – so why not do it with our bodies. Of course there are many other reasons I keep going back – the fabulous food, the amazing presenters, the most up to date evidence on what works for sustained weight loss, the glorious location, the opportunity to get away from everything and concentrate on me, a room to myself and the aroha of Andrea and David. Many have asked if I learn anything new – and I absolutely have - some information I need to hear every time so it sinks in (mindful eating!) and other times I hear different stuff because it’s more relevant to me because of where I am with my journey. I’ve already booked to go next year – it’s my birthday present to myself – so I’ll only buy one coffee a day and not two and put $20 a week towards my next retreat – because I deserve it – so I’ll see you there.”
And feedback from others:
Content of retreats slowly changing so I get something new each time I go
I get to hear stuff I wouldn't / wasn't ready to hear last time
Sense of community good for secret wls patients
Eating together
Sharing strategies / challenges/ tools
Rest eating habits / new food ideas
Retreat format is long enough to get out if your business of normal life
Time to administer self care and reassess what happens at home
Yearly recheck of the basics and a time to pull the covers off the stuff I don't want to see or deal with
Did you know that you can prepay for a retreat and use it at any time you need to? And we also offer a layby system where you can set up a regular automatic payment and once paid for you can come on a retreat at any time. This is proving very popular with many of our attendees.
Life gets hectic and often paying for something up front in one lump sum proves too expensive for many of us. We don't want money to be a barrier in getting the help and support you need to be successful long term with bariatric surgery. Email Andrea or contact the clinic to set up an A/P. At approximately $50 a fortnight, it will be paid off in about 12 months. Many people are now keeping that payment going so that they know each year they have set aside the funds for their own self care.
Every year we are at another stage of our journey and each retreat will offer you something that you didn't hear the last time you went. Or maybe you know someone else who would benefit from our programme. Let them know too. Word of mouth is our best testament. You deserve this. We believe in your success so give yourself this gift of self care. Come and spend some time with us soon :)