Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

5 Other Ways to Say I Love You

We may be nearing Valentine’s Day but this is a year round story about the people we love and the ways we say I love you.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

8 Steps for Creating Goals that Stick

With the new year comes the traditional new year’s resolutions. A chance to start again, get back on track and begin anew.

We come raring out of the gate and yet usually within the first two weeks we slip up.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Raeleen's Patient Story: Just Keep Swimming

“You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability” – Brene Brown

When Andrea asked me to write a testimonial she caught me at a weak moment.   I was on a high after accomplishing a huge goal, and the enormity of that commitment struck me later when I realised that baring my soul was well and truly outside my comfort zone.  Talk about vulnerable!   But here goes……

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Surviving Christmas: 10 Ways To Avoid Holiday Regain

'Tis the season to be jolly, spend time with family and friends, celebrate life's little blessings and of course, eat.

The holiday season and food go hand in hand. Whether Christmas cake, honey-glazed ham, buttery Christmas cookies or turkey and stuffing, holiday eating takes its toll on our health and our waistline. In fact, people tend to gain an average of 3-5 kgs over the Christmas season.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Dr. Connie Stapleton: Weight Regain and the Return of Old Habits

Let’s just start with the bottom line. A return of “old habits” results in the finding of lost weight. The dreaded REGAIN. We all know what “old habits” means when it comes to the world of the weight loss roller coaster. Your “old habits” may be slightly different from his “old habits” or her “old habits,” but the thing all of your “old habits” have in common is a return to unhealthy eating behaviours (and probably a lack of exercise) and ultimately, the inevitable regaining of unwanted pounds.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

7 Steps for More Mindful Eating

We have all engaged in mindless eating. This often occurs when we are not really hungry. We just grab something as we pass, snack on something while working, eat while watching TV or a movie.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Kahu's Patient Story: From Cluttered Shed to S.H.E.D

As I reflect on the past four months of my life, since my bariatric bypass surgery, I knew the decision I made was going to be a life changer.

My first two to three weeks starting with ¼ cup of mashed food per meal to keeping to a restricted nutritious food plan, was what I expected. Keeping up the intake of fluid, I had to make a determined effort to reach the goal of 2 litres per day.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Overeating Factors: What Makes Us Eat More?

Most us are completely (and happily?) oblivious to many of the factors that influence our decision to eat. Even when we think we are in control of our choices, are we? The following are some of the other factors that can influence our food intake.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Movement For Every Body [VIDEO]

We know that it is common for people to often sit for more than eight hours a day. So don’t let that time go to waste!

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Everyday Habits of Slim People

Everyone knows a friend, family member or colleague who seems to effortlessly control their weight, while you gain a kilo even thinking about a slice of cake.

What is it that these individuals do differently to the rest of us that sees them stay slim with seemingly very little effort?

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