Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

AMS Nutrition product of the month: ENS protein powder

Andrea shares with you her favourite protein shake, a Jaffa Frappe, perfect for a hot summer day. This is a low sugar, healthy, creamy breakfast or lunch alternative, and also combines some/all of your vitamins and Calcium in the one drink!

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Surviving the Christmas period

Dreaded December. This time of year life can become frantic, stressful and filled with various social events, along with all the other responsibilities such as work, kids, organising Christmas day etc. This can become even more daunting after bariatric surgery, whether it’s your first Christmas with your new stomach pouch, or the 10th!

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Update on Vitamin Supplementation after Weight Loss Surgery

Last month at Obesity Week in Washington, we had the opportunity to attend a presentation outlining the updated Nutrition in Bariatric Surgery Guidelines which resulted from a number of years of micronutrient research following the different weight loss surgery procedures performed world-wide.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

SUGAR - the hidden truth

Most of you would have already cut down or stopped the obvious sugary offenders such as fizzy drinks, biscuits, chocolate and cakes (well done!). However, what you might not have considered is all the other sugars that sneak into our body, and gosh, it can add up fast!

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

When I knew I had to do something...

I'm Megan, a 48 yr old mum of two. My journey began what seems a whole lifetime ago. I have struggled with my weight and self perception my whole life. Disaster struck once and for all when my first husband was killed when I was 28. Depression, post traumatic stress and raising two toddlers (one autistic) meant I comfort ate and my weight spiralled out of control. Medical issues also contributed.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Spotlight on: Anchor Protein + - Is it all that it’s marketed to be?

I have been having a lot of people ask about the new range Protein + products by Anchor. This new range includes Protein + yoghurts, protein powders, and milk. With all the hype that this product has created, I thought it was about time we went a little deeper to find out what’s actually in these products.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Robyn's Story - Choosing the 'hard'

When Andrea asked me to put together something about my story, I thought immediately I could write a novel! I am currently 14 months post-op from RNY Gastric Bypass and I can honestly say it has been quite a ride.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Self Compassion - an important factor in long-term success after weight loss surgery

After spending a number of years observing patterns related to the various stages of weight loss surgery (WLS), I began to see a clear relationship between the ability to accept ‘what was’ and a sense of contentment. Despite the increased sense of accomplishment related to the weight lost, the goal posts still kept moving for many of my patients and this lack of satisfaction with life post WLS continued to create anxiety and real distress for WLS recipients. It seemed a curious thing.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Protein Powder

Protein powder is one the latest trends to hit the supermarkets, social media and online websites. With the variety of different brands being promoted in supermarkets, being endorsed by celebrities/social media the choices surrounding protein powder are expanding.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

From Super Morbidly Obese to a Healthy BMI...Karleen's story

I had always been a fairly normal weight all my life.  In my mid 20s as a bright, young, educated and experienced IT professional, I headed over to London to travel, work hard and play even harder.  In my 4th year in London, several traumatic events occurred that led me back home to NZ.  One of those was the diagnosis of Endometriosis. It really was the lowest point in my life and being so far away from family really took its emotional toll.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

My Journey...Shells

So in 2006 and 2008 I had two beautiful children. They were the best thing ever at the time and I thought my family was complete. After having Maddison in 2008 I put on a lot of weight and struggled to get moving as she was a C-section and then I broke my foot (5 weeks after having her). In 2009 I was tipping the scales at 118 kilo. I attended a wedding in Rarotonga and I thought I looked fab (boy was I wrong).

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

YOGHURT...what are your best options?

Many people consume yoghurt as a part of their regular diet for an easy, convenient part of their meals. Although yoghurt can be a healthy choice, with the huge range of brands and flavours available, it can be hard to identify what the best options are.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Why Support Is Key to Weight Loss Surgery Success

This recipe is a favourite on our Healthy Living Retreats, and perfect for the cooler autumn days. It's versatile enough to give you variety throughout the week so is perfect for slow Sunday meal prep. Enjoy!

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Connie's Top Tips for Healing Your Relationship with Yourself

We’ve had the pleasure of Connie Stapleton joining us from the United States this week at our Foundations of Healthy Living Retreats, support groups and one-on-one sessions. Connie is the creator of MindPrep (TM) and the author of the soon to be released book Weight Loss Surgery Doesn’t Cure Food Addiction.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Backsliding? Manage Your Mindset Like Your Calendar

Moving through busy lives, we don’t often pause to question where we are heading or how we are getting there. We can sometimes feel pushed and pulled along by stressful work situations, family commitments and the daily tasks that keep life spinning. We can even start to wear ‘busy’ as a badge of honour to show how valuable and irreplaceable we are.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Joyce's Patient Story: Little Steps, Big Goals

Hello, my name is Joyce Daniel. I'm a 49 year old Teachers Support at Tokoroa Intermediate School. In May 2015, I was given the opportunity to have the Gastric Bypass procedure that has since changed my life. I was nervous and scared as hell about what was going to happen to me. When I went for my appointment I weighed 149 kilos- the heaviest I've ever been. Then my weight loss journey began.

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Andrea Schroeder Andrea Schroeder

Tongariro Crossing

Join the Weight Loss Surgery team as we take on the Tongariro Crossing this April. With a varying degree of terrain and the infamous Devil's Staircase, this outing also offers stunning views along of one of New Zealand's most iconic outdoor adventure tracks.

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