Realities of Regain
I’m writing today post Christmas and in the middle of the summer break. I don’t know about you, but I know I’m enjoying some rest and relaxation to recharge for another exciting year ahead. But, does the festive season start you worrying about a word that starts with ‘re’ and sounds a little bit like brain? I’m thinking regain, and I’m picking on a time in the year I see it start happening quite easily…
Gratitude Advent Calendar
With December just around the corner, we thought we could continue on the teachings of our Retreat and use this fun activity of making an advent calendar to practice gratitude.
Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? ....Being Creative with Quinoa
Well, it’s neither. but you might be asking…is it a seed or is it a grain? Is it a carbohydrate or is it a protein? Right now, it’s getting called a super-food, and so today I’m thinking all about the curious case of quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)…
The Protein Olympics
For me, it reminds me of Sarah Ulmer winning NZ’s first ever gold medal at the Athens Olympics. Speaking of gold medals, was that the first thing that came to your mind? Maybe you were thinking of medals in general…and actually gold, silver and bronze medals are along my line of thinking today…
I Spy With My Little Eye, Something Beginning With
Calcium. The question is - am I looking at calcium citrate or calcium carbonate? Is there a difference and does it even matter?
Yes indeed, there is a difference, and this month I’m thinking you might like to know why I worry so much about that difference…
Method in the Madness...
Imagine this is your stomach and now I’ll ask the same question. You might be thinking no, and if so, are you thinking the bus driver could control the situation better by limiting the number of passengers being let on? Maybe I’m being a bit cryptic, but there is a moral to this story – or in other words, method in the madness. To give you a clue, let’s just say those inside the bus are called the ‘Carbohydrate Clan’ while and the chap outside is called Paul Protein…
Wearing Someone Else's Shoes
I’m big about practising what I preach. I may not have had bariatric surgery, but I’m forever looking for experiences that give me insight into life after bariatric surgery. I may have large feet compared to some of you, but that doesn’t stop me trying to squeeze into your shoes so to speak.
My Ironman Journey - Joanne
It all started with the decision to have weight loss surgery. This has been a decision I have always kept very private.
Judging Books By Their Covers…
Do you remember the schoolyard lesson – ‘never judge a book by its cover’??? There’s so much more than what’s on the outside. You and I are great examples of that. But what if a book cover literally said ‘read me, I’m a Mills and Boon Romance’ – would you read it? I know I’d run a mile and yet I love reading.
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
Is it along the lines of the Fred Flintstone has an amazing meal pattern for bariatric surgery considering meat is always on his menu? I sure did, but did you notice how wonderful Wilma’s hair is looking, or how beautiful Betty’s skin is compared to Barney’s? Take a closer look, Dino’s nails are looking nice and strong too.
Completing the NYC Marathon
On Nov 4th, Andrea and I completed the New York City Marathon.
As Important as Protein...
Yes, you’ve got me – this month I’m thinking all about your fluid intake. With Summer right on us, it’s the perfect time for putting this on your radar for thinking about.
Little Red Riding Hood and You
What is the link between Little Red Riding Hood, proteins, and carbohydrates?
Let me give you some clues! Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are characters I like, while I’m afraid of the wolf. Now, what if I say I’m afraid of carbohydrates just like I’m afraid of the wolf - can you see where I’m going with this?
Supplements and You
Welcome back to ‘Drew’s Desk’ – this month I’m thinking about nutritional supplements. I’d like to talk about the reasons for needing a routine that’s giving your body what it requires each and every day after your surgery. Before that, let’s start with some questions…
The Weight Loss Mindset
Clearly, through our company name alone, we know that the amazing people who walk through our door, would like to, amongst other things, lose weight.
Why I Am Where I Am...And What Has Kept Me Going
I often have people ask me what keeps me going to reach my goal...and this is my opinion, based on my experience and what has kept ME going.
Konjac Noodles
Konjac Noodles is an emerging carbohydrate alternative that is being marketed heavily and can be found at most local supermarkets.
Strong Not Skinny
When I had to start changing my life, my hobbies and my work, to suit my weight, I knew the time had come. I’d always said I was strong and my body wouldn’t hold me back but that when it did, I’ll sort something.
Simple Swaps
Whether it is in the initial months or years post-surgery, it easy for old habits to creep back in. Old habits can come in many different forms, but one we commonly see is forgetting to read nutrition labels on foods.
Start your journey
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